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Preventing IP blocking

When you use Clonable, much of the web traffic will pass through our servers. This traffic unfortunately includes malicious traffic. While we try to filter out most malicious traffic before it reaches your server, we cannot stop everything without also blocking legitimate users.

If you yourself are using a firewall or fail2ban system, that firewall may see Clonable as a malicious user and add us to a block list. When this happens, your clones are no longer reachable. It is therefore important that you add our outgoing IP addresses to a whitelist.

ServerIPv4 AddressIPv6 Address

Blocking individual malicious requests is fine (and encouraged), as long as our servers are not (permanently) blocked.

If you are not sure whether such a system exists for your site, ask your IT department or web host for more information. They can also help you whitelist our servers.


We include the visitor's IP address in the X-Real-IP and X-Forwarded-For headers, so you can also configure your firewall to use those values as the recipient's IP address. This is the best solution in most cases, but unfortunately not always possible. For more information, see Real IP address visitor