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Using Url translations

Add URLs yourself

Under 'Url translations', you can add the translations of the URLs yourself. This can be done manually for each URL by adding the original URL under What visitors see now and adding the replacement URL under What you want visitors to see.


Only add the URL from the '/ ' sign, do not copy the entire URL. This is because the domain name for your translated site is different from the original domain name, so if you enter the entire URL, Clonable will look for this URL in your translated site and not find it. So then the URL will not be updated.

After this, click 'Save' and the URL will be modified.

Bulk upload

However, it is easier to upload the URL translations in bulk, this saves a lot of time. To do this, you need to upload the URLs in a CSV file, with each line containing the original URL and the modified URL separated by a comma (,) or a semicolon (;). However, this is subject to a maximum of 5000 URL translations with a maximum of 256 characters per line.


You can upload this file under 'Bulk upload' --> 'Choose file' --> 'Upload'. After this, all URLs from your file will be modified.


Filter and include broken

URL Filter: You can use the filter function if you have translated large numbers of URLs and are looking for a particular URL, you can choose to search by the translation or the original URl.

Include broken: If you notice that a certain URL on your clone is not working, you can use "Include broken" to show URls that are not working properly.